In this episode, you’ll learn…
- How true entrepinoy choose the right business for them.
- Why MLM nor Franchising may NOT be the best business to start.
- Why some entrepinoy are making a lot of money while most is still struggling.
- How to build business that will last for a very long tme.
- The real reason why most people start their own business.
If you want to make serious income that you’ll never worry about money again…
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Dear Jon,
I 100% agree with you that joining MLM or buying a franchise are not real entrepreneurships.
I need capital to put up my own business and it seems the best way I could have this capital is to join a forex group first and earn enough as a start-up capital fast.
I think that as a trader, I virtually run my own business because it is up to me on what/where to trade in and how much I would like to trade. The forex only serves as my medium in doing my trading—or am I right?
How do these forex companies earn from my tradings? I know there must be a catch somewhere but I just could not figure it out right now.
Am I right in joining a forex company rather than joining a MLM or franchising company? Please help me.
Forex trading is like a business in a sense that it has risks and rewards. In other words, you can lose money as well. Might as well start your business now and be creative in coming up with a capital.
The only people I know who’s making money in forex industry are forex company and those people who are teaching others on how to make money in Forex Trading.
Hello Jon,
I agree with the reasons why you rather create your own business rather than buy it. But as a starter, I think people will go to something more realistic. Admit it, there are many business nowadays and all you can do about it is innovate. Franchising, MLM, Stock Marketing, they are all the same in a sense that you own a slice of a business. Downside is you can`t get to be creative or change policies at your own right but then you own a part of it. You gain with the owners. I`m not really against your beliefs on this, but I rather go with something less of a risk than actually creating my own THING which I think is not that easy to do nowadays because of heavy competition.
Hi Joice.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. That’s why I teach people to start a “part time” business and don’t quit their jobs unless the business is already profitable consistently.
The joy in entrepreneurship is the ability to create your own, see it grow, and make a lot of money.
Risk is always there but it doesn’t have to be risky.